Renaissance Centre/Mount Saint Mary’s for sale

Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

The Renaissance Centre/Mount Saint Mary’s site is for sale again. Perfect if you have a lazy $7m and willingness to take on a difficult site which hasn’t been well maintained.

The advert mentions the previous development approval for 120+ apartments.Mt St Mary's site

The 4 acre site is the largest development site left within the central Katoomba area.

Renaissance Centre/Mount Saint Mary’s Convent For Sale

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

After sitting vacant for over a decade, the old Convent at Katoomba is set for an auction on the 23rd of July.

The building was built as a convent and used as a boarding school before being sold off. The site re-emerged as the Renaissance Centre for a short stint as a tourism/cultural centre before sitting empty since the 1990s.

Regular coverage in the media in 1998, 2001, 2002 and heritage listing in 2003 kept the site in the public eye. If you are curious to see inside and views from around the 4 acres of grounds, check out the listing