Whatever the Weather

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

With all the rain this week, its nice to keep an eye on the weather up in the mountains wherever you may be.

Earlier this year the BMCC released its upgraded weather station, after lots of reliability issues with the old station.

The new software looks great, and is easy to use. Check it out.


Upper Mountains shivers

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Mt Boyce recorded a 1°C minimum, snow fell across the upper mountains (and hail and sleet) and produce crops across the central tablelands (and in my garden) will be at risk of frost damage. Yeah, just spring in the mountains! OK, it was the coldest October day for a few years, and records for cold are usually set in the first few days of the month, not the 22nd. SMH reports that it has snowed in October only 5 times in the last 50 years.